Hype cabinets

Redefines the executive environment with a full line of executive desks, meeting tables, reception areas and storage solutions. The aluminium desk structure, the result of a minimalist design, enhanced by premium worktop options: melamine, lacquered, veneered, glass, leather. Two types of structures are available: triangular section aluminium structure or pentagonal structure including a customisable top in 2 different materials and various finishes. Style: minimalist and modern, classic chic, sophisticated and refined.
aboutoffice design
Tags #birouexecutiv #birourialuminiu #birouriminimaliste #birouripremium #meseintalniri #zonareceptie #solutiidepozitare #blatlucru #melaminat #lacuit #furniruit #sticla #piele #structuratringhiulara #structurapentagonala #capacpersonalizabil #stilminimalist #stilmodern #stilclasicchic #stilsofisticat #stilrafinat
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